Monday, October 28, 2013

Response # 13 Creative Writing Assignment

Take a key scene in Lolita and rewrite it - either altering the style (choose an omniscient, realistic voice) or the point of view (choose that of a female character such as Charlotte, Valeria, or Lolita - or even Mona Dahl - or a character such as Quilty or Maximovich).

Dear Diary,

Dad came for me at camp today. Around 2 I had to lug my huge suitcase into the office to meet him. When I finally reached the office I said "Hi" and gave him a smile. He looked tired and stressed, but he was happy, as usual, to see me. He was a gentleman and carried my bag to the car for me. I snapped my gum loudly in the car, it was the first time I'd had a piece in almost 2 months! We weren't allowed to have any gum at camp, something about too many little kids sticking it underneath everything. Mother is still in the hospital. Dad said the doctor told him it was something abdominal, what does that even mean anyways? Abdominal? Weird. He promised to see all the shows in Lepingville, because it's near the hospital, and we have to stay near there for Mother. Some famous poet lived there a long time ago. But that won't be until tomorrow, tonight we're staying in Briceland. Dad drives a lot faster than mummy does. It was then I told him how revoltingly unfaithful I was to him. I thought he'd stopped caring for me at all anyway. When he asked why I'd said that I told him because he hadn't even kissed me yet! Dad pulled over and I slipped out of my seat and into his lap. He was very stiff. I kissed him hard, but he still stayed very stiff. Then a cop pulled up next to our car and asked if we'd seen a blue car with the same model as ours pass us. I told him no and he hopped back into his car and drove off. I scolded dad then, because he should've gotten caught cause of how darn fast he was driving! He even ran a red light. He really is a crappy driver. I questioned him on what would happen if mother discovered our affair. Oh she would be furious and mad as hell! Dad wouldn't hear of talk like that though and tried to change the subject, probing me on camp activities. I told him about some of the things we did, singing around the campfire, and I almost told him how I was such a good friend to the male animals! But I just couldn't with him staring at me so intensely! I will tell him how I had been unfaithful, but later in the dark where I can hide the redness in my face. We've stopped at a candy bar for ice cream now, so I must enjoy my treat! I'll write again tonight after I tell him my secret!

Yours truly,

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