Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Response # 8 Gaming the fiction 10/10

Gaming the fiction: this can only be answered after the discussion of games on Tuesday 10/8 - i.e. for Thursday: While the novel itself may be seen as a game, various events in the novel are games in themselves: Lolita's "kissing game"; Humbert and Charlotte's marital game ("every game has its rules"); the "game" of avoiding the law and maintaining Lolita's compliance during their year-long drive through America; the proposed game of Russian Roulette with a revolver (later in the story)... In each case, how does the event have the characteristics of a game discussed in class?

Lolita's kissing game:
The kissing game begins on the drive away from Lolita's camp, when she initiates a kiss with Humbert, a result of Lo accusing Humbert of no longer caring for her. Humbert takes advantage of the innocent "game", and Lolita's hunger for "imitation of some simulacrum of fake romance". Humbert comments on the fluidity of "girlish games", unconsciously creating a rule, following Lolita's lead fearing acting too aggressively and sending her into revolt. This rule she immediately enforces when Humbert kisses her neck after returning to the car, shortly after their first shared kiss.

Humbert and Charlotte's marital game:
The give and take control of aspect their relationship is the bases of Humbert and Charlotte's marital game. When the other breaks this unspoken rule the upset spouse acts out until balance is restored.

"Game" of avoiding the law and maintaining Lolita's compliance: Rules of the "game" include punishing Lolita if she breaks the compliancy rule by accusing Humbert of rape she'll be sent to boarding school. Humbert must continue planning exciting adventures to keep Lolita happy enough for her to keep engaging in intercourse. The couple must keep to themselves, constantly moving to not attract negative attention from the law. Another rule is to stay in motels, they provide necessary privacy Humbert requires and a quick get away route.

Russian Roulette:

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