Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Response # 7 "This is royal fun." 10/8

"This is royal fun." Nabokov thought the name Humbert had a royal sound, and Humbert often refers to himself with a kingly cognomen. He and Annabelle spent their brief time together in a "kingdom by the sea." And monarchical language is everywhere. Lolita is often called a "princess" in a positive and negative sense. Find seven distinct ways that Nabokov refers to kings, courts, monarchy - and descendancy.

Seven Royal References:

1. Visiting Scotty's Castle pg. 157

2. Lolita's nicknamed "My Frigid Princess" after visiting a milk bar, "The Frigid Queen" pg. 166

3. Their search for a "Kingdom by the Sea"pg. 167

4. Staying in a cheaper motel chain, "Motor Courts" is Humbert's solution to save money pg.175

5. Miss Pratt accuses Humbert of "making a princess of your (Humbert's) Dolly," due to lack of "regular home duties" pg. 194

6. "Duke's Manor" nickname of the castle-like house, residence of two of Dolly's classmates pg. 197

7. "king's side", and "my queen" are referenced in during the chess game with Gaston pg. 202-203

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